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WordPress Speed Optimization

WordPress based web sites are easily expandable and could drastically increase its functionality with a third party developed plug-in modules. Thousands of them are available at no cost. Most of these modules were developed to extend or add new functionality without taking into account the negative effect on web site performance.

Our tests shows that each WordPress plugin installed adds 20ms in average to the server response time. Surely this time is relative and depends on a lot of factors but WordPress core with 10 plugin installed will increase time to the first byte (TTFB) to unacceptable level. Expanding its functionality WordPress sites turn into heavy and sluggish monsters that are slow even on expensive hosting plans with significant server resources dedicated. Slow server response times are one possible cause for long page loads and as you know customers as well as search engines do not like slow web sites.

We audit web site performance and guarantee the result of speed optimization we provide. In addition to regular and well-known steps of web site optimization like:

we deactivate unnecessary styles, scripts and plugin on the pages where they are not used whereas, by default, WordPress initializes all plugin modules even they are not used on a page.

For example popular Contact Form 7 plugin is initialized on every page and post despite its form is required on certain pages or even on contact page only. The same with social sharing plugin. It loads itself everywhere and uselessly loads the server.

If dozens of such plugin modules are used, the web site simply stops responding adequately, the server timeout grows, the number of database requests and db workload increases, the website becomes slow. To prevent this you need the deep optimization we offer. Sometimes it is the only chance to save money and time on a migration from WordPress to another platform. The optimization is especially effective with caching plugin such as WP Rocket, Cache Enabler, WP Super Cache or on specialized hosting services like WP Engine.

Depending on your site and tasks, we can offer both a full page-by-page optimization and a more optimal grouping option, where we assign certain assets to a grouped by type pages.

Regardless of the fact that your WordPress website is “littered” with different plugin, functions, scripts and styles, we will be able to significantly and reliably improve its performance confirming the results in tests like PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, Pingdom Website Speed.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.


Website Development services:
Intelligence Storm offers a full complement of custom programming services, including server applications, development of interactive modules, shopping carts, online stores, extensions, plugins and databases.
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